ICL Test online. Impression

Can we move up the exams into the online form? This topic has become one of the most discussed since the beginning of quarantine. Heading for the experience of foreign countries, one of the ways to switch to this form of assessment is to “increase rates” gradually: from less significant assessments to more meaningful, so that students and teachers get used to it.

As an experiment, assessing of information and communication literacy, which is not an assessment of “high stakes” and is not used to assess schools and teachers, continues online.

The project team, in coordination with the regional education authorities of the Bryansk region, made an assessment of students in 3 more schools online.

Students like such form of assessment.

"Last week, computer science teacher at my school offered me to take an assessment on the students' information literacy. At first, I was a little scared: I thought that an assessment would be difficult, that it required certain knowledge and skills. After passing it, I was satisfied: entertaining tasks were not difficult at all and were even interesting. I'm sure it will help me in future, because this assessment teaches computer skills and helps to find the right solution to many situations from real life. It was a pleasure to be an assessment participant!"


Review of a student of grade 9 of secondary school No. 4 of Bryansk.