Assessment of the IC literacy of graduates of 9th grades of the Republic of Belarus (Minsk and Gomel region)

In October 2013, a pilot on-line assessment of students from 25 urban and rural schools located in 15 settlements of the Gomel region and in all 9 districts of Minsk was held as part of the grant under the Small Grants Programme.

The sample is representative for two regions - Minsk and the Gomel region. The selection was carried out in two stages. At the first stage, schools were randomly selected taking into account their location in one of the regions and in each of the districts, and also taking into account the number of ninth-graders in the school. Then one ninth grade in this school was randomly selected. All students in the selected 9th grades were included in the sample. The sample was also balanced between urban and rural schools, boys and girls (52% and 48%). As a result, 580 students were assessed. The number of assessed and the sampling frame allowed us to draw reliable conclusions about all the ninth graders in Minsk and the Gomel region.

During the assessment, students completed a sequence of 16 test items of varying complexity. Students could find out the level of their information and communication literacy immediately after passing the assessment, and each of them received individual recommendations for improving it.

According to the reviews, stedents liked the test. Everyone noted that they had never done anything like this before, so it was very interesting.

«The assessment was interesting for me. It was convenient to complete all the tasks. Those situations that are present in it correspond to what we are facing in real life. The recommendations received would help me in the future to improve my skills.»

Denis Vorochkov

«I really liked the assessment. I have never made such assessments before, and it was very interesting to perform it. In some tasks, I did not understand the first time what I had to do and how. But the instruction always helped, because everything is described there in details»

Vladislav Klimovich

«I performed the tasks easily, because they were varied and well-chosen. All of them correspond to real situations that we face in everyday life and study.»

Yaroslav Skopzov

«I really enjoyed making the assessment. I think that the result corresponds to my level and the assessment allows to evaluate it fairly accurately. It’s also good that you can get recommendations»

Christina Mikhalkevich

«The experience of such assessment is very useful for me. We have not passed similar assessments before, the most of what we had were tests for particular classes and they were often boring»

Liza Svirid